New Member
In my project of end of study I need to make a Home Alarm System with sending SMS to my phone using PIC16F877A with ASSEMBLY language.
So i'm stuck on writing source code on assembly.
My Problem 1 : is I dont know how to write a source code for LCD and SIM900 with ASSSEMBLY
My problem 2 : is I need to make a password to disable alarm when it activated so i use a keyboard but I
don't know how to interface it and how to write source code with ASSEMBLY LANGUAGE
My Problem 3 : is if there is an instruction to change the phone number and password from the keyboard and
appears in LCD
Please I want your urgent help as I have to postpone the project before 29/04/2019
In my project of end of study I need to make a Home Alarm System with sending SMS to my phone using PIC16F877A with ASSEMBLY language.
So i'm stuck on writing source code on assembly.
My Problem 1 : is I dont know how to write a source code for LCD and SIM900 with ASSSEMBLY
My problem 2 : is I need to make a password to disable alarm when it activated so i use a keyboard but I
don't know how to interface it and how to write source code with ASSEMBLY LANGUAGE
My Problem 3 : is if there is an instruction to change the phone number and password from the keyboard and
appears in LCD
Please I want your urgent help as I have to postpone the project before 29/04/2019