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PIC10F200 - DS command error

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New Member
I am learning PIC microcontrollers from tutorials on CircuitBread for PIC10F200. Recently I wanted to simulate design in MPLAB X IDE 5.50 from this example: (at the bottom of the page are design files to download: In those tutorials variables are defined using EQU, but in MPLAB 5.50 EQU does not provide ability to view variables during debug mode. That is why I have changed EQU to DS. That is a declaration from tutorial:
i EQU 010h ;define 0x10 register as the PWM loop variable limit EQU 011h ;define 0x11 register as the PWM limit j EQU 012h ;define 0x12 register as the delay variable dir EQU 013h

That is my declaration:
i: DS 1 j: DS 1 limit: DS 1 dir: DS 1

Unfortunately i got those errors:
make[2]: *** [dist/default/production/PWM_test.production.hex] Error 1
make[1]: *** [.build-conf] Error 2
make: *** [.build-impl] Error 2
main.s:40:: error: (1356) fixup overflow referencing psect code (0xFE) into 1 byte at 0x4/0x2 -> 0x2 (build/default/production/main.o 21/0x4)
main.s:41:: error: (1356) fixup overflow referencing psect code (0xFF) into 1 byte at 0x6/0x2 -> 0x3 (build/default/production/main.o 21/0x6)
main.s:44:: error: (1356) fixup overflow referencing psect code (0xFC) into 1 byte at 0xA/0x2 -> 0x5 (build/default/production/main.o 21/0xA)
main.s:47:: error: (1356) fixup overflow referencing psect code (0xFE) into 1 byte at 0xE/0x2 -> 0x7 (build/default/production/main.o 21/0xE)
main.s:48:: error: (1356) fixup overflow referencing psect code (0xFC) into 1 byte at 0x10/0x2 -> 0x8 (build/default/production/main.o 21/0x10)
main.s:53:: error: (1356) fixup overflow referencing psect code (0xFC) into 1 byte at 0x1A/0x2 -> 0xD (build/default/production/main.o 21/0x1A)
main.s:55:: error: (1356) fixup overflow referencing psect code (0xFF) into 1 byte at 0x1E/0x2 -> 0xF (build/default/production/main.o 21/0x1E)
main.s:57:: error: (1356) fixup overflow referencing psect code (0xFE) into 1 byte at 0x22/0x2 -> 0x11 (build/default/production/main.o 21/0x22)
main.s:61:: error: (1356) fixup overflow referencing psect code (0xFE) into 1 byte at 0x28/0x2 -> 0x14 (build/default/production/main.o 21/0x28)
main.s:63:: error: (1356) fixup overflow referencing psect code (0xFE) into 1 byte at 0x2C/0x2 -> 0x16 (build/default/production/main.o 21/0x2C)
main.s:67:: error: (1356) fixup overflow referencing psect code (0xFF) into 1 byte at 0x32/0x2 -> 0x19 (build/default/production/main.o 21/0x32)
main.s:69:: error: (1356) fixup overflow referencing psect code (0xFF) into 1 byte at 0x36/0x2 -> 0x1B (build/default/production/main.o 21/0x36)
main.s:72:: error: (1356) fixup overflow referencing psect code (0xFF) into 1 byte at 0x3A/0x2 -> 0x1D (build/default/production/main.o 21/0x3A)
main.s:77:: error: (1356) fixup overflow referencing psect code (0xFD) into 1 byte at 0x40/0x2 -> 0x20 (build/default/production/main.o 21/0x40)
main.s:79:: error: (1356) fixup overflow referencing psect code (0xFD) into 1 byte at 0x42/0x2 -> 0x21 (build/default/production/main.o 21/0x42)
(908) exit status = 1
nbproject/ recipe for target 'dist/default/production/PWM_test.production.hex' failed

I am using pic-as 2.32. I attached main files: main.txt - from my project and main_tutorial - from tutorial project. I have changed the extensions from .s to .txt to be able to attach the files. How can I deal with those errors? Thanks in advance.


  • main_tutorial.txt
    2.8 KB · Views: 361
  • main.txt
    2.2 KB · Views: 307
If you are using EQU you can set an address in the watch window... Then name it and watch it...

I don't remember seeing a DS in XC assembler... I have used XC asm within MPLABX but I still prefer MPASMWIN ( I use it with VSM )

I'll give it a go..
EQU does not provide ability to view variables during debug mode. That is why I have changed EQU to DS. That is a declaration from tutorial:
i EQU 010h ;define 0x10 register as the PWM loop variable limit EQU 011h ;define 0x11 register as the PWM limit j EQU 012h ;define 0x12 register as the delay variable dir EQU 013h

That is my declaration:
i: DS 1 j: DS 1 limit: DS 1 dir: DS 1

Those are not variables - the EQU is assigning a convenient name to an internal PIC register.

You CAN view registers during debug - go to Window > Target memory views > Special function registers
He is trying to go away, using pic-as 2.32, not MPASM.

I suspect that OP, has not selected pic-as in the tool chain.

And, as I suggested him in another forum, he should read the manual. Otherwise, it is going to be a long way.

select pic-as.png
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