I'm working on a program for the PIC18F27Q10 with MPLAB X IDE v5.50 and the PICkit 4. It's running fine on the debugger, but not solo in the part. I did a production build, and programmed the part with it. I can tell the program is running because it is responding to a button push and lighting an LED when it should. I think the problem is that TMR1 is not counting pulses on RC0, but again it's working in debugger mode.
I wonder if the extra code the debugger adds in, is initializing something I missed in the main code. Or maybe the debugger is giving the chip a good reset, where my hardware isn't?
Any thoughts on this?
Bob D.
I wonder if the extra code the debugger adds in, is initializing something I missed in the main code. Or maybe the debugger is giving the chip a good reset, where my hardware isn't?
Any thoughts on this?
Bob D.