hey guys my first post, i have used pics before and know very basic programming, (at school) i am looking to built an audio equalizer with 10 channels and i was hoping to have 8 leds per channel. now thats technically not possible because one pin cannot handle the on-off state of 8 leds at a time, but i wanted to have each row of leds hooked up to one pin and and ground swtitching from one cahnnel to the other at very high speed that the eye cannot tell and this will allow me to have all channels on one pic isntead of 10 pics, ive seen this being done in our elx class when we did a led display project which had 34 leds on one pic and used anouther chip to jump between rows at a very high speed, 60-100 times a sec i hope u understood this, now what i need is a program or at least a start on a program that will tell me how to make the pic differentiate from the channel/intensity of analog audio input to create an op wow thx for taking time to read this plz helop :arrow: :!: