im trying to make a led display board using a pic 16f877a
i ve just made a led 7*30 board,
ideside to drive the X axis using hfe4017,,and the Y axis using pic
out put,,
i can make the electronic circuit,,but coulden't write the programm
from micro C,
if any one could pls help me to write a programme to a led display using micro c
i would be gladful
im trying to make a led display board using a pic 16f877a
i ve just made a led 7*30 board,
ideside to drive the X axis using hfe4017,,and the Y axis using pic
out put,,
i can make the electronic circuit,,but coulden't write the programm
from micro C,
if any one could pls help me to write a programme to a led display using micro c
i would be gladful