PIC 16f877 with RTC

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New Member
i found a problem in choosing anbd connecting the best RTC chip with the PIC 16F877 and progran\mming it in c .
can any one which know aboout this issue tell me about.
'Best' is a purely subjective term - you need to choose a device that you can source easily. You are also seriously limiting yourself by using C, there is a HUGE amount of assembler available, and really very little C. Have a look on the PICList, you may get some ideas there.
really i dont know how can i connect the rtc by the clk out or other terminals with pic 16f877a ,,, any schematic if available ?
It depends what interface the particular chip uses, some are I2C (there's an example in my tutorials), some are SPI, some use other interfaces.
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Over 15,000 post and Nigel still keeps Assembler and PIC Assembler alive. The world just go a little bit better one opcode at a time.
You really need assembler to fully use the PIC properly. At least an understanding of it. It's not that hard, now if you want C use an 18F series PIC and skip the 16F

For a clock chip I'd use a DS1388 with trickle charger. (the DS1307 is good too but no trickle charger)
donniedj said:
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Over 15,000 post and Nigel still keeps Assembler and PIC Assembler alive. The world just go a little bit better one opcode at a time.

There's nothing to keep alive, PIC's are generally programmed in assembler, and almost all the code available is in assembler - there are only small amounts of other languages on the net. This changes when you move to the 18F series, as they are optimised for C. MicroChip provide a free C compiler for it, and even the application notes are in C.
My opinion, based in limited experience....

Nigel Goodwin said:
........This changes when you move to the 18F series, as they are optimised for C. MicroChip provide a free C compiler for it, and even the application notes are in C.

Even then, they can still be easily programmed in assembler as the previous families. And the instruction set plus their internal organization makes programers' life, MUCH easier!
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