People "kicking" out street lights?!?!?!

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I sa these video's on youtube of people kicking street light posts, and they go out At first i thought it was a safety feature, like if a car hit it, it would turn off before it falls, but then i thought how youd kick it hard enough to trigger that?!?! I kno shining a laser at some of them works, but kicking them is abit.... strange..
most of the time those lights are high pressure sodium lights
if they are bullied by strong tremmors the mechanism inside the bulb will break and than you have to replace them the glas bulb itself is still in tact

Well Yeah im sure a hard enough hit would destroy the bulb, but someone kicking a metal pole is enough to knock them out??
yeah but a kick on a pole from 5 meter fixed on one side (gound) and a weight in the top of it and a tapered shape pole makes a perfect amplifier for tremmors and so also the swing movements on the location of the bulb

if you see the construction of the lamp than if you move it with your hand 5a 6 cm swing you van hear it ratle
now imagen a swing of 30 a 50 cm what is easyly done by a streetlight pole
Ahhh ok, that makes sense. Well i'm still kinda confused how someone has enough force to get the light to wobble so much, but i guess its possible.
How well do they stand earthquakes?

There was a reaonable strength earthquake in Linconshire (5.2 on the Richter scale) about a month ago and I can't recall hearing anything about streetlights been damaged.
Going back a LONG time before I was married, and still living with my parents, the council planted a street light directly outside my bedroom window.

One hot summers night, when I'd had a 'few' beers and couldn't get to sleep, because of the light, I ran outside totally naked, and kicked the lamp post with my bare foot - much to the amusement of my younger brother. Amazingly, this bare footed kick (from an inebriated naked man) caused the light to go out!
Didn't go naked Nigel, but kicked a few lights outside the malls in The Netherlands, in my younger years. The lamps used to go out, but restruck after a while when the lamp cooled down.

Now I work on streetlight control circuits in New Zealand . Most lamps are High Pressure sodium (orange peach colour). A hot bulb when shaken causes the hot gas to loose the arc, Often when the lamp cools down the pressure in the lamp drops and it will restrike again.

The MV (mercury vapour) blueish white light don't like kicks and it will destroy a very expensive lamp.
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