I have a PCB which is enclosed by a plastic enclosure.
there're 3 metalic male pins - neutral, live & earth - that are coming out of the enclosure and are inserted into a power socket.
The pins are screwed into the plastic enclosure, using metalic screwes.
Since there can be 16A AC current drawn from the power mains, and passing through the metalic pins, the screwes themself should be able to handle such amount of current.
Since i'm new to this field, i'd like to ask for your experience regarding this.
What should be the specifications of the screwes, in order to handle such amount of current - type of metal, surface area, etc?
How can I prevent from the screwes to damage the plastic enclosure and melt the part of it which they have contact with?
Thank you very much.
I have a PCB which is enclosed by a plastic enclosure.
there're 3 metalic male pins - neutral, live & earth - that are coming out of the enclosure and are inserted into a power socket.
The pins are screwed into the plastic enclosure, using metalic screwes.
Since there can be 16A AC current drawn from the power mains, and passing through the metalic pins, the screwes themself should be able to handle such amount of current.
Since i'm new to this field, i'd like to ask for your experience regarding this.
What should be the specifications of the screwes, in order to handle such amount of current - type of metal, surface area, etc?
How can I prevent from the screwes to damage the plastic enclosure and melt the part of it which they have contact with?
Thank you very much.