I'm a hobbyist primarily - but occasionally create some PIC-based devices for scientific instruments (my work). I am developing a device to log pressure measurements. The sensor I plan to use is **broken link removed**: It requires a clock source. My PIC board is "pre-made" and has an 8 MHz crystal. The device requires a 32.768 kHz oscillator. I've never really thought about it, but I don't know the clock characteristics (frequency is specified. Waveform and amplitude, I've never even thought about)? The datasheet for the ms5535 suggests a SG3030JC oscillator**broken link removed**. So, I looked it up. I'm confused on the datasheet. The sheet specifies a Vio (which is defined as the Interface Power Supply Voltage)? I was planning on tying the "out" pin to the MCL on the MS5535. Can anyone tell me what I should tie to the Vio (if anything)? Thanks!