object following robot.

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New Member
i had an idea for a robot that would walk after a person or a moving traget.
i think it can be implemented by ultrasonic/infrared proximity detectors.
but do you know any other sensor that can be used to track a specific target within a small range???
So it is basically a object tracker?

My Idea for you is to mount a seprate set of "eyes" on a servo and that can track the object while the body lines up with the "eyes". Infrared has a very wide viewing angle and is cheap, and Ultrasonic is more expenisive, has a narrow viewing angle, and takes up more power than IR. Chose wisely young grasshoppa!

The Robot head and robot body configuration is called "horse and rider". Google it!

A walking robot can be slow, costly, and hard to configure. IF your walking robot had,say 4 legs, it would need 8 servos! 4 to rotate the legs and the other 4 to articulate them. Wheel and caster can be easy to minipulate, but walking can climb over much steeper terrain.

Good luck!
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