Nuclear arms summit...

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I'm normally optimist.

Thinking about I..n I see a terrific scenario already: Tel Aviv hit by a nuclear strike which could trigger another world war.

Those Ayatollahs don't really know what nuclear power can do, but they want to wipe out Israel as already announced.

Where the hell do they get the fast and powerfull centrifuges from to enrich plutonium to a degree which makes it the basic stuff for a nuclear bomb?

If I had the power I wouldn't hesitate to demonstrate them 4,000knots of wind from the west.

Nuclear bombs themselves aren't even half the worry, dirty bombs are much much more dangerous, and easier to make. Can be made with medical equipment.
To me, saying that we shouldn't try to provide security because determined people will find a way is sort of like saying I shouldn't bother locking my doors because a determined burglar or rapist will find a way to get in. That is sure, and there are cases where friends of mine faced criminals in their homes despite having tried to secure them. But we are also aware that being diligent about security and trying to stay a step ahead of the bad guys greatly diminished the bad guy's chances of harming us. We've already seen the tragic result of ignoring the threats. The attacks on our country on 9/11, 2001 were completely preventable at several stages along the way, but we and our government ignored all the warning signs. As determined as the attackers were, the plan could have easily been derailed just by paying attention and making ourselves hard targets, rather than thinking we are invincible.

Securing the loose nukes will make it much harder for the bad guys to acquire them, and as a result, they will have to take higher risks in their efforts to do so. Higher risks means higher chance of getting caught and eliminated as a threat. Does it matter than someone might slip through the crack? Of course it matters, but that isn't any reason to just throw in the towel. If we continue to fight for our security, we can at least mitigate and minimize the damage done to our population. It's a fight worth showing up for.
Loose nukes aren't nearly the problem that loose radioactive material is. As mentioned above it's the dirty bombs that are the most likely device to be used by terrorists. They don't have the resources like a nation does (as in Iran or N.K.) to build, test, and procure missiles. That's not to say that they can't overcome a mobile launch system, however it's far cheaper, easier, and just as scary to have them making dirty bombs by the scores. Remember that these clowns are all too willing to go up in smoke with their bombs.
The term "Loose Nukes" typically covers all nuclear materials, and that is the way it was intended in my post.
Doesn't really matter much, couple hundred years, Global Warming will kill us all... The reduction in Nuclear weapons, will also mean storing all that radioactive material some place. You can't just dump it in a local landfill, nor can you put a whole lot of it in one place. Creates a few more opportunities to be lost or stolen. You don't need weapons grade material for a Dirty-Bomb, doesn't even need to be refined actually. Little bits of Uranium ore scattered about will work it's magic over time. Maybe not a spectacular explosion, and thousands of charred bodies littering the landscape, but lots of people slowly dying from radiation poisoning, over weeks and months. Not to mention cancers and birth defects...

Still think it's all a lot of useless talk, no country is going to destroy more weapons, than what they feel the need. Those who want them, will eventually get them. Wonder how many Gore Carbon Credits it would cost to purchase a nuke? Maybe trade a few surplus nukes for food, after a devastating Global Warming drought, flood, hurricane, cold snap, earthquake, volcano, plague, brimstone falling from the sky. Supply and demand, you got some sitting around, and somebody really, really wants some... Security is only as tight as the weakest link, some under-paid, under-appreciated fool. Didn't Obama have uninvited party guest, at two separate dinner events? And I would assume that not every breach makes it out to the media. Got a hunch we would all be shock and surprised to know how much hardware wanders off military bases...

Just talk and papers, and we all feel safer, we have a treaty... Wonder if there any Native Americans on this forum, that could explain the value of treaties...
Actually, for uranium to be used in a dirty bomb, it has to be "highly" enriched, to 80-85% of U-235. That's not enough to make a big boom bomb, but it's more than most of the uranium that's floating around. The goal is to get control of the highly enriched uranium in one year, and the rest of it in 5 years. There are some missing fuel rods that represents the majority of the highly enriched material, but that's a small fraction of the material that's at large. The material that's not highly enriched can be turned into dangerous weapons, but requires sophisticated equipement that terrorists don't have, but probably will in the near future.

It's in the interest of all the participating countries to try to secure this material, as they are all as much at rise as the US, even more so. So, the incentive to cooperate is much higher than other treaties. Further, modern treaties have produced high level of cooperation between interested nations. If the West leads, much can be accomplished.
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Harvey, why do you mention GW in almost every post? At this point I'm calling you a troll. Please stop.

Go back and look at your previous posts, and count how many times you bring up GW for no real reason.
There are some who try to hijack nearly every thread and make it a GW topic (see Strangly Beutiful...). I report the trolls, but nothing ever gets done.
Perhaps GW stands for Gorgeous Women of which I see no problem then if a thread gets hijacked for that topic!
There are some who try to hijack nearly every thread and make it a GW topic (see Strangly Beutiful...). I report the trolls, but nothing ever gets done.

Funny, and who killed my earthquake thread... It's related, because it's pure politics, but don't expected anything to change, except higher taxes to pay for it.

Thought the goal of the 'dirty-bomb', was to create a cloud of radioactive dust. Enrichment and refinement would be nice for a smaller, more potent bomb, but not needed to achieve the desired goal. Guess the term 'dirty-bomb' could be applied to the older style nukes, as opposed to the more modern and safer nuclear weapons, which don't leave near as much radioactive residue, and twice the destructive power...

Like GW, this is a similar joke, since nothing can be done to change, what already is. Kind of ironic, the location of the GW volcano that erupted last week... People will always be the weakest link in securing anything, and there is always an attractive price tag attached. Everything looks a lot better on paper, than in practice. A signed paper holds very little value. Most countries laugh at sanctions, which are generally lifted in exchange for prisoners ('spies').
Nobody killed your earthquake thread..... it's still open. As for signed papers, they never hold any power or do any good. Well, except for those that has kept the peace in western Europe for over a half century, those that liberated Kosovo and Kuwait, those that prevent ethnic cleansing in Bosnia and Herzagovina, those the keep peace between Israel and Egypt, oh and let us not forget that little piece of paper that created an enduring nation from 13 little countries just over a couple hundred years ago... just to name a few.

But by all means, let's go back to doing nothing. That worked well in mid 20001. Anyway, the militia will protect us! Oh wait, they were a no-show on 9/11.
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I think there are some more physical reasons for keeping the peace, other than a piece of paper. Think our military had something to do with it, since we still have troops in most of those places mentioned. Israel is busy with Palestine at the moment, not a good idea to upset your neighbors.

Next time you are drinking and gambling on a reservation, ask a native what a treaty means to his people... Might want to have a weapon handy.
Still Closed! Should have known, considering the source...
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No military force has been required to keep the coalition together, or to convince the North Atlantic Treaty organization nations to participate in peace keeping efforts. No military force has been required to prevent those same nations from making war amongst theirselves, and considering the history of war between said nations, that's a pretty good feat. No military force is required to keep the nation together that started with a treaty between 13 countries, except for a 5 year period between 1860 & 1865. Consider also that the sacrifice the Union made to uphold that little piece of paper. Israel has never been shy about warring on multiple fronts, and their issues with Palestine wouldn't stop them now. Egypt isn't busy with anyone.

I never saw a mods comment on the earthquake thread, guess I didn't pay attention. But I’m sure it wasn’t any of my posts that got it closed. If you have any information that proves otherwise, then share with us. If you don’t, then you’re just pissing in the wind.
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It was one of you devoted 'believers', looking to start up a debate, or try and gather new converts. My comments to the subject, were light, and not meant to be taken seriously, since I doubt the crisis status of the topic. I do believe that things are shifting around a little more violently lately, and expect to see a few record breaking quakes this year, likely a few more volcanoes as well, which can't be good for GW... (had to add something).

Civil war wasn't the only time this country has stood divided, but the only time enough people came together to fight. Most of these groups get squashed before much of a chance to do anything these days. The job market doesn't improve soon, might be something to think about. Not everyone is happy to live off government hand-outs, nor do most working people enjoy paying the tab. Few years, we all get Health Insurance, those working get to pay for it, the unemployed get it for free, but it doesn't put a roof over your head, food on the table, or beer in the frig.

The military presence is already nearby, wouldn't take a day to get to work in any of those areas you keep bringing up (got it the first time). Repeating stuff endlessly, sometimes works to convert, but doesn't necessarily make your views anymore right.
I asked for evidence, but turns out just as I thought, you don't have any and just slinging mud, hoping some will stick. But you try to hijack every thread you post on to remake it into a GW one, and I'm not the only one who has noticed that. And BTW, I was not the one who diverted your earthquake thread, or any 'believers', as anyone who have any basic reading skills at all could easily see.

When was the country so divided that states actually succeeded, aside from the civil war? There were armed insurrections, as the Whiskey Rebellion, but at no other time was the country in danger of splitting apart. I see lots of news coverage of folks carrying their guns around at political events, acting like they are some sort of modern minute men, but these are a severe minority acting like a bunch of traitors. Nobody outside the news organizations pay any attention to them, but I'm sure that pretty soon, someone will be shot by one of these lunatics, or another Tim McVeigh will be inspired to commit mass murder. Either way, the country and constitution will survive.

The economy appears to be on the rebound. The DOW is back over 11,000, and up 57% from its low. Unemployment remains high, but there are good signs that it has peaked. The recovery looks to be a long hard slog, mostly due to job off shoring. The fall of the economy came, not because of government action, but government inaction. Hopefully, the lesson will be learned this time, and reform will prevail.

In most of the former "hot spots" the military presence has been drastically reduced. And where the military is concentrated, there is no guarantee of peace. Afghanistan remains a difficulty region to control, and recent bombings in Iraq prove that peace has yet to be achieved. But that's not the point anyway, rather the countries that are providing the peace keepers are bound together by agreements amongst their selves to work together to reduce the threat to all. Some remarkable things have been achieved through those agreements.

I agree that repeating things over and over don't make them right. But that has never stopped you.

I make a simple, non-serious, jokingly comment, and the drool and froth start to flow. It's a joke, get it. Not an attempt to hijack, troll, or remake anything. Lighten up, it's only words, you can choose to ignore them if you are easily unsettled.

The Earthquake thread was closed, and yours was the last post, loaded with GW nonsenses (as usual). Who hijacked, Trolled, remade, and killed the thread? I didn't ask, not much for whining and complaining. I still follow the earthquake topic, just had to go on a different forum. Simple enough solution. It would be a shame to get banned here, I've always liked this forum. A little tighter on locking threads, than it was years ago, but nothing to complain about, some members these days are just easily offended.
Who hijacked, Trolled, remade, and killed the thread?

I don't know who killed the thread. Nobody knows. The mods never said why it was closed. Just as always, your spitting up in the wind, and hoping it will fall on someone.

Drool and froth was flowing before I even made a post on it. As I recall, it was you and your troll buddies who first derailed it.
The mods never said why it was closed.

Isn't it funny, that by your own admission, that once you go "TATTLETALE" to the moderators that either someone is banned or a thread is closed? The moderators would not close these unless YOU (Brownout) went to them about it.

All of the threads it has been YOU(Brownout) that start the name calling then go TATTLETALE.

I'm on another forum that has a GW thread too, most all do now days, over 6250 posts and no one is getting the mods involved!
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