Non-glare light fixture

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If you shine light from a bulb directly onto a reflecting surface you will get reflections (glare). Shine the light away from your shiny surface, perhaps onto a matt white reflector of a large area which in turn lights up your shiny surface, this time relatively glare free.
For direct ligthing you could try various diffusers but I think by the time you diffuse your light source sufficiently to stop glare you lost a lot of light in the diffuser.
Anti-glare bulbs are also available whose front part is silvered so that it does not shine directly onto object in its line of sight. It only emits light from side portion. It can be bought from any electrical hardware store.
a few months ago i found a motor in a dumpster and couldnt get it working, i wondered if something like that could fix it. but that was put in the garbage a while ago... so is it ok i started this topic?
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