New Member
Hello everyone. I'm working on a project right now, but had to make a few changes. Some background information. I'm using an arduino uno, with 2 28byj-48 stepper motors and associated ULN2003 driver boards. There is a rotary encoder and an 8 segment LED display that shows the speed. Due to the steppers in factory form not having enough torque, I decided to do the modification to make them bipolar instead of unipolar. So now I'm using an adafruit motor shield V2 to drive the steppers in bipolar mode. WAY MORE TORQUE now.
So the issue. The program I have is for using the original 28byj-48 stepper and ULN2003 driver. I need to fix this program so that it uses the V2 motor shield instead. I want the same features with the rotary encoder and the LED display. So basically I'm just changing the drier board.
I have no idea how to fix the code to do this. Please help. I posted the original code.
So the issue. The program I have is for using the original 28byj-48 stepper and ULN2003 driver. I need to fix this program so that it uses the V2 motor shield instead. I want the same features with the rotary encoder and the LED display. So basically I'm just changing the drier board.
I have no idea how to fix the code to do this. Please help. I posted the original code.