need RTC help with pic16f877a

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dely		equ		0x20
dely1		equ		0x21
#include <>
__config 3f39
errorlevel -302		
;RTC DS1307

			org		0x00
start		goto	main
main		clrwdt
			call	sys_init
			call	i2c
			goto	main
;# STEP 1: Set the slew rate and baud rate for 100 MHZ operation
    		BANKSEL SSPSTAT                 ; ### point to correct BANK for SSPSTAT
    		bsf     SSPSTAT,SMP             ; ### Set for Standard speed slew rate

;# STEP 2: Configure MSSP as I2C master with Internal (Fosc/4) Clock source and
;#         enable SDA and SCL pins to operate in I2C mode (SSPCON)
    		bsf     SSPCON,SSPM3            ; ### set to I2C master mode with Fosc/4
    		bsf     SSPCON,SSPEN            ; ### Enable SDA and SCL for I2C

    		BANKSEL SSPCON2                 ; ensure SSPCON2 is cleared
    		clrf    SSPCON2

			call    I2CStart        ; Take control of the I2C bus
            movlw   b'11010000'		; DS1307|I2C_WR
            call    I2CWrite        ; Send the RTC write command
            movlw   h'00'
            call    I2CWrite        ; And the register index 
            call    I2CRestart      ; Then restart the I2C bus        
            movlw   b'11010001'		;DS1307|I2C_RD
            call    I2CWrite        ; Send the RTC read command
            call    I2CRead         ; Read the store the seconds
            banksel PORTD
            movwf   PORTD
               ; call	delay
                call    I2CAck
                call    I2CRead          ; Read the store the minutes
                banksel PORTD
                movwf   PORTD
               ; call	delay
                call    I2CAck          
                call    I2CRead          ; Read the store the hours
                banksel PORTD
                movwf   PORTD
                call    I2CAck
                call    I2CRead          ; Read the store the day
                banksel PORTD
                movwf   PORTD
                call    I2CAck
                call    I2CRead          ; Read the store the date
                banksel PORTD
                movwf   PORTD
                call    I2CAck
                call    I2CRead         ; Read the store the month
                banksel PORTD
                movwf   PORTD
                call    I2CAck
                call    I2CRead          ; Read the store the year
                banksel PORTD
                movwf   PORTD
                call    I2CAck
                call    I2CRead        
                call    I2CNak          ; Tell RTC that transfer is over
                call    I2CStop         ; And release I2C bus
; I2C Communication Routines

; Generates an I2C start condition.

                banksel SSPCON2
                bsf     SSPCON2,SEN     ; Generate START condition
                btfsc   SSPCON2,SEN     ; And wait for it to complete
                goto    $-1

; Generates an I2C restart condition.

                banksel SSPCON2
                bsf     SSPCON2,RSEN    ; Generate RESTART condition
                btfsc   SSPCON2,RSEN    ; And wait for it to complete
                goto    $-1

; Generates an I2C stop condition.
                banksel SSPCON2
                bsf     SSPCON2,PEN     ; Generate STOP condition
                btfsc   SSPCON2,PEN     ; And wait for it to complete
                goto    $-1        

; Transmits the byte in W to the I2C bus.
                banksel SSPBUF
                movwf   SSPBUF          ; Initiate I2C write
                banksel SSPSTAT
                btfsc   SSPSTAT,R_W     ; And wait for completion
                goto    $-1

; Recieves a byte from the I2C and returns its value.

                banksel SSPCON2
                bsf     SSPCON2,RCEN    ; Initiate I2C read
                btfsc   SSPCON2,RCEN    ; And wait for completion
                goto    $-1
                banksel SSPBUF
                movf    SSPBUF,W        ; Then read the data value

; Sends an I2C ACK signal to the slave device.

                banksel SSPCON2
                bcf     SSPCON2,ACKDT   ; Send acknowledgement
                bsf     SSPCON2,ACKEN
                goto    I2CWait

; Sends an I2C NAK signal to the slave device.

                banksel SSPCON2
                bsf     SSPCON2,ACKDT   ; Send negative acknowledgement
                bsf     SSPCON2,ACKEN                

; Waits for the current I2C action to complete.
                banksel SSPSTAT
                btfsc   SSPSTAT,R_W     ; Wait for any transmission to finish
                goto    $-1
                banksel SSPCON2
DoI2CWait      	movf    SSPCON2,W       ; Get a copy of the status flags
                andlw   b'00011111'     ; And mask out non-status bits
                goto    DoI2CWait       ; And repeat until all I/O is done
delay			movlw	.200
				movwf	dely
s2				decfsz	dely
				goto	s1
s1				movlw	.100
				movwf	dely1
				decfsz	dely1
				goto	$-1
				goto	s2
				BANKSEL TRISC                   ; initialize MSSP module
		    	bsf     TRISC,3                 ; configure PORTC<3> as input
		   	 	bsf     TRISC,4                 ; configure PORTC<4> as input
		    	clrf    TRISD                   ; make PORTD an output
				banksel	PORTD
				clrf	PORTD


This is not run in play mode in Proteus but run in step mode please help
please see coff file for simulate
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You generally need a 5mS - 10mS delay after a write to I2C device, for internal housekeeping.

The polling of SSPSTAT is just for completion of transmission.
None the less.. When writing to EEprom (unless its a Ramtron device) You'll need a delay before accessing again of -> 10 mS.

I know that the Dallas RTC is battery backed Sram and has a bus speed of only 100khz....

I'll stick it in ISIS and take a peek....

Your code runs fine using a 10mhz Xtal.... To see everything working attach the I2C debugger...

You do know that in ISIS you cannot use actual resistors for simulation... You must use a digital "pullup " resistor model.
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Thanks Ian
I got the point, now it is working for me
now I need to put result to seven segment display
I think I need use BCD to seven segment converter, am I correct
Please advice
Dear Ian
Thanks for reply and help, I did it as you said, now LCD display only 00 it does not update the time
can you please advice on this . please see image
Thanks In advance

View attachment 62696
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Ok then.... I hadn't started yet.... Glad to hear that you solved it.
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