Need help with proteus LCD project

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New Member
Hello and Thanks in advance for your input.

I am new to pics. I have a copy of proteus 6.3 and prefer to learn pics use proteus because i dont have time to wire the circuits. I am tring to interface the Hitachi LCD to a pic16F628a using 4 bit mode. The program does not work at all.

1: I try the same code with actual hardware and works fine so my code is good.
2 I complile with MPlab and simulate and everything works fine.

3 I did a code in 8 bit mode with proteus and this works also so the LCD works with proteus. I have a sample 4bit project came with proteus but its in C. I dont understand a thing in Pic C programming. Only Assembly.

I even simulate the lcd using just switches and it only work in 8bit mode.

please can some tell why is this so and if you have a sample proteus project using 4 bit please email me. I only program in Assembly. please not C nor Basic.

Thank you.

I don't know anything about Proteus, but my tutorials have reliable, fast, well tested, 4 bit LCD code.
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