My Ultra-Bright LED chasers

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The cascading circuit is also a sequencer. Only one output is high at a time.
i see it now, i was in a hurry earlier and did not have time to look at it thoroughly. but that is similar to what i was doing.
I enjoy your 6V ultra-bright LED chaser for various applicatons.
For the saving the battery, I applied the LDR for turn off in day time and on in night.
LDR+100Kohm resistor plus empty 9, 8 inverter for the input EN(bar).
It' OK when EN(bar) is LOW
But EN(BAR) is HIGH, there is something wrong.
Q0(#3) is keep blinking and LDR is suddenly interrupted, one of Q1~Q9 is keep blinking.
I wanna in day time with all LED's off, but not.
Do you have any ideas for the solution?
The LEDs are turned off when pin 12 of the inverters causes the reset pin of the CD74HC4017 to go high.
Use the LDR in series with a current-limiting resistor connected to +6V to the base of an NPN transistor so its collector grounds pin 13 of the inverters when there is light.
The base of the transistor needs a resistor to ground to turn it off in the dark.

My chasers run day and night for months on a set of alkaline cells.
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