Mobile phone to car music!! Help...

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I am useing a sonyerricson w810i mobile phone, and I used it as a mp3 player for my car ( by audio cassate adapter) but since my car sound system is been robed I am trying to make an amplifier and connect it with my car speakers I tried one using computer speakers amplifier but the sound is not that much in my car to improve the sound I used an old equeliser I used to have it in my old 1980's model but again it doesnt make any diffrence.... + there is zzzzz sound increases with the acceleration (v.low). any Idea or suggestions please.....

**** I am using mobile phone so the input for the amp will be low****
The noise comes from the alternator. The amplifier or equalizer picks up the noise from the supply but it should filter the supply.
He said he's using amplified computer speakers? The DC input of the speakers might not have circuitry for the higher frequency noice present? Cars produce noise at some multiple of the RPM of the engine? You need to use some much bigger capacitors to filter the power to the speakers. They were meant for only filtering 60hz ripple noise.
thanx.. I am not using the the whole amplified computer spkrs. I hv just pulled out the amplifier and connected that to my phone and car speakers like this

( mobile o/p ) ----> ( amplifier** ) ---> ( equelizer & mplifier ) ----> 4xcar speakers

I'm Planning to remove the equelizer also since it is not amplifing that much... and if i get a 12v to 5v converter.

** computer speaker's amplifier (( (just amplifier) ))

Any Idea to boost more sound and quality...
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