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Not much the PS/2 keyboard is well documented just Google it.
You'll need programming skills mostly. I haven't used the ancient 8085 decades.
Yes a PS/2 keyboard is possible, not a USB keyboard.
I'll bet large sums that I can make an 8085 talk to a USB keyboard, but I'm pretty sure nobody wants to actually do that any more.
You'll need some kind of IO port. I would guess that the 8085 microprocessor kit has one built in that you can use.
The irony of it all is that the keyboard probably has a more powerful microcontroller than the equivalent 8085 microprocessor kit. :rolleyes:
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Then you have some skillz. The USB host stack is not trivial and the ancient 8085 is pretty slow.
Possibly, but I really haven't said how I was going to do it and therein lies the real skill.
Well without using other ICs aside from the 8085 would be a real skill indeed.
Yes, I agree with that position. The problem was to interface, and I didn't see anything that said I could not use a host controller chip to do the job. You'd still have to come up with the USB host stack in 8085 assembler or maybe PLM(ughhh...) Still a challenge but not impossible. If it was a Z-80 I could probably dig up Leor Zolmans BDS-C compiler and have some chance of porting an existing USB Stack.
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