Microcontroller starter kit.

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I'm 17 and i know basically nothing about microcontrollers but i would really like to teach myself. i found this starter kit online (**broken link removed**) and i was wondering what you think? will i be able to learn the basics of microcontrollers in general. i wanna be able to understand them and how they work and what not. Any reccomendations?
You'll need to know how to program in "C" to use this. It looks pretty advanced for a beginner to use. If you don't know C then try a Picaxe which can be as simple or as complex as you want. It is programmed in Basic which is easily learned. It is also pretty cheap.
Many others will chime in with their favorite uP and the items needed to support them. There are lots to pick from.
My somewhat unpopular advice is to learn to program first. They switch to micro controllers. It is a bit less to choke on.
Are their 8-bit controllers programmed in "c" also? is that a common form of programming. Like used for a lot of controllers? And how difficult. I have taught myself many things including programming of our CNC mill which even with a CAM program you still need to know the programing language
I would suggest looking at ardunio. It is a C based system with training wheels. Lots of examples and tutorials.
Hi Zack,

There are lots of MCUs to choose from but my suggestion would be to start off with a PICkit 2 Starter Kit, download the PIC16F690 datasheet and read it slowly. Get an overview of assembly language to start off. You will pull a few hair out at first but its a good way to start understanding how they work and then decide if you feel ok with assembly or you may want to learn C or basic. I use Pic Basic Pro, it is a little expensive but you can download PIC Basic for free and get its look and feel, you can write small programs that blink LEDs with the free version. The PICKit 2 that comes with the starter kit is a PIC programmer and you will use it over and over for many other PICs you will choose as you start building projects.

Good luck in your learning.


I believe the Freescale (used to be Motorola) uP's come in 8 bit flavor and are programmed in c. AVR also has 8 bit units done in c. In fact, AVR has a free C compiler.
C is a very common programming language used everywhere. I had a real hard time trying to learn C because I never had a steady use for it. I'll do a uP maybe once every 5 or 6 months. Each time I had to learn C all over again. Its pretty cryptic.
JaguarjoeE said:
C is a very common programming language used everywhere. I had a real hard time trying to learn C because I never had a steady use for it. I'll do a uP maybe once every 5 or 6 months. Each time I had to learn C all over again. Its pretty cryptic.

Procedural computer languages all share a degree of complexity, this can make them seem cryptic unless you take the time to learn one.
Some peoples have minds that seem unsuited to programming. Others find programming addictive.

My experience is just the opposite of JaguarjoeE's. For me programing is the easy part and electronics the more difficult. I do fairly well with ohms law and the power equations, but much past that I need to look it up or seek help.

We have no idea how you are wired.
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I can personally vouch for PICAXE, I had no programming background, but it was extremely simple to pick up, and still very versatile (e.g radio, bluetooth, keyboard interfacing)
The only drawback I know of is speed, but this is when you are ready to move to much more advanced circuits.
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