Merry X-mas!!

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New Member
Merry Christmas and Happy New year to you all !!!

Hope tat it will be a better one,cause as the years go by nothing seems to improve,instead humanity is heading towards its extinction..

Hope that this new year will bring conscience in the 'wise' and powerful men such that honest and sincere actions are taken to change our planet's fate!!

Hope that this new year will bring more equity on earth!! That food spilled in rich countries can reach the starving bellies of the little Africans.

Hope that this new year will bring more love on earth!! Its so easy to slap someone who hurt us,but showing love in return is a blessing from god!!

Hope that this new year will change all weapons in beautiful flowers that we will give to our children!! That peace blossom everywhere !!!

Hope that this new year a cure for aids and other incurable diseases will be found!!

Finally,i wish that Hope never desert us!

Those are very honourable hopes and all, but honestly, I just hope that this girl's boyfriend I am hearing about is me by her loose definition or misinterpretation of her friends and not somebody else. lol. But yeah, those other hopes are good too. Merry Christmas
Merry Xmas and happy new year, After watching I am legend lets be careful about how and in what ways we cure things
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