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  • Welcome to our site! Electro Tech is an online community (with over 170,000 members) who enjoy talking about and building electronic circuits, projects and gadgets. To participate you need to register. Registration is free. Click here to register now.

Make potentiometer more sensitive.

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I want to make the middle of a pot more sensitive. The pot will be connected between 0 and 5V and when the pot is centered the output will be 2.5V. I want to make the bit either side of center to be extra sensitive such that 3V on the pot gives 5V out and 2V on the pot gives 0V out. So, 2-3V in maps to 0-5V out.


Maybe two comparators that each drive a transistor to short the wiper to the rail/pot end? Unless you can find a transistor output comparator like the LM311.
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You can do it with a dual Op-Amp ...


    17.4 KB · Views: 185
Perfect. Just emulated in LTspice and it does exactly as asked.


Think I've got a few LM358 that should surfice.

Try a single opamp with a non-inverting gain of 5.


The independent variable of the simulation is pot position (x-axis). The dependent variables plotted are V(wiper) and V(out).

Gain is 1+200K/(100K//100K) = 1+(200K/50K) = 1+4 = 5 centered on 2.5V , so 3Vin = 5Vout and 2Vin = 0Vout.

Try it for any reasonable value of pot resistance...

It does depend on the opamp being rail-to-rail out, which an LM358 is not. If all you have is LM358s, then you will need more than a single 5V supply.


  • t3.asc
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whoops. For some reason I read this as leaving 2-3V unchanged but snapping to the nearest rail beyond that.
I assume the LM358 isn't suitable due to the max output voltage being Vsupply-1.5 which would only allow me to measure inputs from 2-2.7V. This will probably do for my situation but just in case I can get hold of an LMC6482 locally which should manage the full range.

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