LTSpice - varying frequency along time

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LTSpice simulation.

I could not find a way to implement this:

a) Testing a circuit fed with a fixed amplitude sinusoidal voltage source varying frequency along a certain period. Say, in 2 seconds, between 6KHz to 450 Hz with 0.5 V amplitude.

b) Later I would like to test the same circuit in the same period at a fixed frequency with a varying amplitude.

c) And last, eventually, mixing both options.

Is such a thing possible? I fear I am out of luck here.

Please note:

I am not trying to do a .tran simulation; my test is in one pass along time and stepping a parameter is not what I need either (well, the way I know to use it, at least...).

Suggestions appreciated.

I should have said, .ac simulation. My bad.
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Have you tried the 'modulate' device (in the SpecialFunctions folder)?
The test you propose sounds like a .tran analysis to me, but you say it isn't?
The sim in the previous post is a .Tran. B1 makes a voltage that goes from 0V to 1V as time goes from 0s to 2s. The Modulate behavioral component makes a 2Vp-to-p signal which is 1Hz when the FM input is 0V (space=1) and makes 25Hz when the FM input is 1V (mark=25).
Thanks to you both for replying and sorry for saying the oposite: I was effectively trying to do a .tran simulation (avoiding an .ac simulation).

I understand you call this "a senior moment". We have a couple of colorful expressions on this regard as well.
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Gacias Eric,

As soon as I change this clunky PC, I will download it. I became aware of it thanks to you.
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