Im tryning to get a port on my PIC16F628A to go logic high a specific number of times.
I am currently using the BSF and the BCF commands, but the code is messy and takes to much space. Is there a way to loop a specific number of times, so i dont have to repeat the BSF and BCF so many times?
Eksample "in my mind"
Im tryning to get a port on my PIC16F628A to go logic high a specific number of times.
I am currently using the BSF and the BCF commands, but the code is messy and takes to much space. Is there a way to loop a specific number of times, so i dont have to repeat the BSF and BCF so many times?
Eksample "in my mind"
bsf portb,0
call Delay
bcf portb,0
goto start (3 times then continue to the next line)
next line
Is it possible to use the DECFSZ command?
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