Looking for advice on buying new PAL/GAL Programmer

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New Member
I'm interested in using some surplus PALs/GALs I have. So, I'm looking for a programmer that can handle a variety of PAL/GAL/CPLD devices.

I'd want one that has a USB interface and works with Windows 10.

I'd welcome all suggestions.
I answered this on AAC..

The TL886 II handles these, and works on Win10
I've heard conflicting information on that programmer ... can it program the PALCE22V10H-15 PC/4 ......... I've got hundreds of them.
It lists ATF22v10 and the protocol is backwards compatible.. ATMEL do 22v10 A/B/C etc..

There is a list here **broken link removed** Lattice and ATMEL feature..
Thanks everyone for advice. I've got several DIPS that are easier for me to use.

Is it true that in general, if a programmer does a GALxxXxx series, it'll also handle the PALCE chip with the similar P/N ?

I have a bunch of National Semiconductor PALCE29MA16H-25 and Lattice PALCE22V10H-15 that I hope to use. I didn't see any parts with a number like PALCE29MA16H on the TL866II list at **broken link removed** ... hoping this will program it.
Just be warned... The winCPLD works fine.. BUT!! save often because at the beginning when you are learning, its unforgiving.. I lost a couple of hours..
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