I have some instrumentation mounted on a piece of rotating equipment, and I need to transfer data from the rotating instrument to a stationary processor. I have been using a slip ring previously to get the data out, but these things are not overly reliable. I'd like to switch to RF for data transfer, and I know there are all kinds of short range RF devices out there, but I've never used any of them. So, I'd like to get some advice.
The instrument will transfer a data packet of about 500 bytes every 5 seconds. The data has a short useful life. So, if the receiver fails to receive it, there is probably no need to resend it; the receiver will simply wait to receive the next data packet. I already have a low end PIC processor on the rotating instrument, and would like to use RF hardware that's compatible with it. That is to say, I don't want to use any complex protocol if I can avoid it. The exception is, if I can wrap the data inside a simple UDP packet using a bit of boilerplate code, which in turn could be picked up by a wifi router (or some other wifi transceiver), then that would make the receiving side of the project very simple.
The instrument will transfer a data packet of about 500 bytes every 5 seconds. The data has a short useful life. So, if the receiver fails to receive it, there is probably no need to resend it; the receiver will simply wait to receive the next data packet. I already have a low end PIC processor on the rotating instrument, and would like to use RF hardware that's compatible with it. That is to say, I don't want to use any complex protocol if I can avoid it. The exception is, if I can wrap the data inside a simple UDP packet using a bit of boilerplate code, which in turn could be picked up by a wifi router (or some other wifi transceiver), then that would make the receiving side of the project very simple.