Well-Known Member
I've been working on a circuit to control a 12vdc motor in both direction have had some problems with the circuit breaking into oscillations, I changed the design around and on my latest, a ramp signal was oscillating and it got worse with a capacitor and I finally killed it by adding a load resistor, 1K. Is this common?
I used CLD to charge the cap on a PUT oscillator, but I couldn't load the ramp out put at the cap, so I ran it through one of the op amps so I could use the signal.
This is the first time I've posted here and first time for using .png, I like it. I'm also looking for advice on 12vdc motors, my project is using a power wheels 19 tooth motor and the gear box with a 15 to 25 tooth chain drive out put, (lots of machining) Is there a better motor with more power out there, the motor used with FIRST, sorry I don't know what that is, looks interesting. What I want to do is string out the gear train and have about the same power as the power wheel set up described. Also, is there a good source of gears similar to those in the power wheels gear box?
I've seen some real wisdom here and hope I can partake of some of it and maybe even share some of mine.
Thanks all,
I used CLD to charge the cap on a PUT oscillator, but I couldn't load the ramp out put at the cap, so I ran it through one of the op amps so I could use the signal.
This is the first time I've posted here and first time for using .png, I like it. I'm also looking for advice on 12vdc motors, my project is using a power wheels 19 tooth motor and the gear box with a 15 to 25 tooth chain drive out put, (lots of machining) Is there a better motor with more power out there, the motor used with FIRST, sorry I don't know what that is, looks interesting. What I want to do is string out the gear train and have about the same power as the power wheel set up described. Also, is there a good source of gears similar to those in the power wheels gear box?
I've seen some real wisdom here and hope I can partake of some of it and maybe even share some of mine.
Thanks all,