Live Bug in LCD Monitor

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Just as I was reading the monitor I saw a small bug crawling what I thot was on top of glass and went to brush it off. It was INSIDE crawling all over.
Any ideas short of taking the whole thing apart>
I am sure it will just die of boredom from reading a pixel at a time. I would not suggest ripping into your monitor, but that is wierd. Can you take a pic?
As I was typing he/she made couple circles and disappeared into the bottom left corner, if I see it again I will post a pic.
And NO am not drinking or any drugs tonite
aah no
little fast moving with lots of legs-not seen him again yet. Quess he won't give me a virus
It's a common problem, LCD panels are NOT sealed, insects and smoke can get inside, people who smoke in the same room are likely to destroy their monitor or TV in this way.
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