We keep forgetting turning off the lights in the basement. I would like to install a sensor to detect when a lamp is on in any of the zones, and if so, trigger a circuit that will activate a blinking LED located upstairs, somewhere in the kitchen. When a lamp is on, the circuit should flash an LED at a rate slow enough to be noticed by someone in the kitchen, but not so fast that becomes a distraction or annoyance.
The basement is 30ft x 24ft divided in 4 equally sized quadrants. Each quadrant ceiling has a 4-ft fluorescent lamp, but there are also some table lamps with incandescent bulbs.
There are windows in each zone that bring in a good amount of light during the day. Therefore, the circuit shouldn't go off under natural light conditions.
Is anyone aware of a reasonably priced commercial product to do this job? If not, can anyone point me to a circuit that I can build?
This circuit ought to be pretty elementary for many of you. I am not an electric or electronic engineer, but chemical, and I wish I could design this circuit as easily as I design a chemical plant. Any all assistance is appreciated!
The basement is 30ft x 24ft divided in 4 equally sized quadrants. Each quadrant ceiling has a 4-ft fluorescent lamp, but there are also some table lamps with incandescent bulbs.
There are windows in each zone that bring in a good amount of light during the day. Therefore, the circuit shouldn't go off under natural light conditions.
Is anyone aware of a reasonably priced commercial product to do this job? If not, can anyone point me to a circuit that I can build?
This circuit ought to be pretty elementary for many of you. I am not an electric or electronic engineer, but chemical, and I wish I could design this circuit as easily as I design a chemical plant. Any all assistance is appreciated!