LED matrx diplsy Q?

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New Member
Hi to all!
I have a question for you!
As i am a noob to electronics i woul like to control a led matrix display but do not know how! Or is there a way to do if it was build by other company!
I have a work shop an i have a line of products and a text i chose i going one the led. But now i wont to put something new i need to put the article name and the price of the article when i sell it so i need a direct connection to the led display and i need that when i print the recive it showes the total and than starts to run by its old basic like if there was no interuptions!

Is this possible!
And sory for bad grammar!
I have a display similar to this one!
**broken link removed**
You can buy these at very low cost, they usually either have an RS232 connection for programing via a computer, or a small keyboard on the back to enter the text directly.
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