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Shane peckham

New Member
Hello everyone, I am new on the forum. I have a older kenwood kac-7251 2 channel amplifier. It still works great except one problem, it is causing a parasitic drain on my battery. Started about a month ago, I am a auto and diesel technician so I checked parasitic draw, pulled my amp fuse and found it was creating the draw. Now that I did that I have not had a battery issue since. The power light goes off when car is off and comes on when I turn car on. I have had it in this car for 4 1/2 years now. I took amp apart to do some tests and found two rectifier diodes that look like transistors that tested bad but I am not sure if I tested them correctly, one is a fml22s and other is fml22r. Also first thing I noticed with this amp has a cooling fan that was staying on all the time so I unhooked the fan thinking it was the primary issue, battery went dead again in day and half, bought amp clamp and found amp still creating draw. Hope one of you guys have a idea, thank you
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