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Jordan Astor

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New Member
Can someone please help me? I have a wireless doorbell. When i push the button the doorbell rings. Can someone help me with a scematic,diagram, and/or curcuit that will help me make a curcuit that when I push the doorbell button it will meke a miniature vibrating motor vibrate like a pager? I want to make it so when someone pushes the doorbell it vibrates on my waist like a pager. I work in my home in a noisy environment and I cant hear my doorbell.
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For the signal to be able to reach wherever you might be in the house, it'd need to be a fair bit more powerful than your standard wireless doorbell transmitter. I don't know about others, but my wireless doorbell has a pretty short range, and walls, etc. are a problem.

If you post any other threads, I recommend making the title relate to your needs. A thread with your name in the title is unlikely to get much useful attention.
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If you want it to vibrate your best bet is to buy that device above and modify the circuit. Disconnect the wires from the speaker it uses to beep and rig up some other sort of circuit that uses the speaker signal to trigger a vibrate function. However if you do this you will probably have a tough time running it from the unit's internal rechargeable battery. So you would have a rechargeable and your own replaceable (probably 9V) battery. You might end up doubling the size of the device. If you dont mind that in your pocket...

Your environment is so noisy that you will not hear a beeper on your belt but you will be able to feel one vibrate? I find that if I am in a place where it is too loud to hear my phone ring, I cannot feel it vibrate either.
I appreceiate your advice. I am so new at this and am a rookie at electronoic. What i would like to do is when someone pushes my wireless doorbell and the doorbell rings i would like a secondary signal to activate a pager on my waist. Maybe it can be integrated into the doorbell curcuit? But I reall need some kind of diagram.
Well the ones in the link are good to 100m so they'll be fine.

100m for a wireless doorbell? I'm surprised, I must just have a pretty poor one then.

As long as the doorbell itself has a portable power supply, i.e. batteries, I don't really see the difference between 'pager' and 'doorbell' unless you want the pager to also be a functional pager... in which case it may become more complicated.
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100m for a wireless doorbell? I'm surprised, I must just have a pretty poor one then.

I have a 200m one rings on a mobile unit I can take to the shed at the bottom of my garden.
Have to go like crazy to get to the door before people walk off !!!

I also have a vibration unit that clips to my belt, the vibration unit also rings and has a small strobe light as well.

In the kitchen I have a clock with a ringer in it. works to the same distance.

They all work from the same bell push.

I am deaf and wear a hearing aid.
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Have you tried beating the kids?
It really takes the top end noise levels right down! ;):D
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