Jon's Imaginarium - Microchip FilterLab Program and Graph Paper Printer Program by Dr. Philippe Marquis

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Well-Known Member
I have a couple awesome programs for you (Windows only, sorry) that I have found extremely useful over the years.

Before I get to the subject at hand, I'd like to address some negative comments made by a very vocal Electrotech member. His comments essentially said these posts mostly contain material available elsewhere. This is absolutely true. Many of these posts cover information available on the web, if you know to look for it. I am posting links to resources I have found useful in the hopes that you will too. By all means, add links that you have found useful too! Readers of Electrotech have a range of experience, so topics from beginner to seasoned veteran are all appropriate.

I have created a brief survey at SurveyMonkey to help me determine the direction Jon's Imaginarium should take, or if it's failed experiement. This link should work for members and non-members; I'd especially like to hear what non-members think. If you can spare a couple minutes, please take the survey. Jon's Imaginarium Survey – Useful or Waste of Time and Space

Microchip FilterLab V2

This is a simple program to calculate lowpass, highpass and bandband filters in Butterworth, Bessel and Chebychev topologies, of up to 8th order. Simply enter the cutoff frequency or frequencies and you can instantly compare frequency and phase response on graphs and circuit layouts between topologies. It should run in all versions of Windows.

The first picture is 2nd order Butterworth filter with a 1k cutoff frequency. The inset shows the schematic for this filter, which normally shows up on a screen of its own.

The second picture shows the setup screens, where the filter type, cutoff frequency/frequencies, and the order of the filter.

The third picture shows a more complex 8th order Chebychev bandpass filter.

Download Microchip FilterLab V2.0 (all versions of Windows)

Graph Paper Printer by Dr. Philippe Marquis

I shared the EEWeb source for several types of graph paper recently; the pdfs are handy, but the options are limited. Graph Paper Printer allows you to create many types of graph paper, with customized scaling, spacing and many other parameters. The types of graph paper that can be printed out include:
  • Cartesian, polar, triangular, hexagonal, axonometric and dot diagrams.
  • Linear scales (metric, imperial, time, equal divisions, customizable).
  • Non-linear scales (logarithmic, quadratic, gaussian, square root,Weibull, logit).
  • Music manuscripts and tablatures.
  • Mercator grids.
  • Pattern papers (lines, bricks, losanges, ellipses, hexagons).
Below are some examples. The first is 3 cycle x 4 cycle log-log paper. You can select the number of cycles you need. You can see the variety of adjustments you can make.

Every need polar paper? Simple.

Maybe you need some hexagonal paper to perfect your Klingon navigation display?

If your display is awesome, maybe you'll need a music score to write your Klingon opera?

Graph Paper Printer doesn't actually install anything on your computer. When its setup file is unzipped, just click the EXE file to run the program.

Graph Paper Printer Download (all versions of Windows)

I hope you'll find these programs useful. I doubt you've come across these great programs already
Please do not mix your comments about what the member said with the matters corresponding to the thread's title.
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