is that suitable ??

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hi all.

currently im working on a high speed switching mosfets with under high voltage. But i have question about my project and needed some help.

im switching 4 mosfets with h bridge configuration. The switching frequency is about 50kHz (optocouple with totem poles) and the im looking for a low cost mosfets for bridging.
the loads current will be 3-4 amps and the power supply voltage is full rectified 320Vdc. I have already searched on the internet and readed some datasheets. But i m not sure about the mosfets. Cause of SOA(safe operation area). I have readed lots of document about SOA because of my bad english , i couldnt understand clearly.
Here some of the searched and also added datasheets of them;

**broken link removed**

which one is suitable for me ?? or do you have any suggestion ??
thanks. QWERTY..
Try IRFP460
.27 ohms look for low resistance they produce less heat.
280w heat
10v gate
You need a gate resistor.
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