Intel Hex to ASM converter please

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I have a hex file to be run with a 80C196KB micro controller. How can I dis-assemble it to get an asm file.

I have a dis-assembler of 8051 series, but it is not processing the 80C196KB hex file.

Any suggestions please ...
Either download a suitable disassembler, write your own, or you could manually disassemble it.

Thanks for the reply

As I have mentioned, I have disassembler for INTEL 51 series, but I am looking one for INTEL 196 series.

Since the program I am talking about is very big, I cannot disassemble it manually and need some external help

Any other suggestions please


I feel this controller is not very famous hence tools for these are less available...

you should manuall disassemble it...

if you need the software for disassembling then i can refer you ...


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