Intecom / Bell / maybe / handy

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New Member
Been a while since I did anything constructive - and haven't been active here either.
Anyway, find myself able to do all these "amazing" things ha, but there are some simple problems around home which i just haven't found a good solution to.

The Problem - Simpy Our door bell!!! Shock, but seriously - the rubbish things we've bought over the years last 6 months, aren't loud enough - monkeys break the cables - and they seldom have the range.
I'm just posting here to see if anyone has some interesting ideas or even slightly off topic ideas.

Some other issue we often have is alerting or communicating with each other. My gran (not so mobile) stays in the outbuilding, and we'd enjoy an easier way for her to alert or call us - and my father spends his days in the workshop outside.
Basically - i also want a 3 place intercom (maybe also for gate?)

Anyway - please feel free to contribute anything offtopic.
Never had a monkey problem before!
Not sure if I want something that smarter than most people running around loose in my yard. My niece is enough.
I cause enough damage by myself some days!

Perhaps train a few monkey butlers to run messages back and forth?
Yeah, maybe that's the best idea, I'm gonna visit our favorite search engine and report back.
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