This might sound like a real noob question, but I dont want to blow up my PIC so hear goes.
I have a PIC18f452 and want to use a smoke alarm siren to trigger an interrupt.
Not having a scope, or a multimeter with peak capture functionality, I set the alarm off and read the voltage on one of the piezo wires - reading about 3.5v
Now, how would you suggest connecting this to a PIC??
I was planning on connecting it in parallel so the siren sounds and hte PIC sees an input on a pin, but someone suggested I use a transistor to buffer it.
Any ideas?
I have a PIC18f452 and want to use a smoke alarm siren to trigger an interrupt.
Not having a scope, or a multimeter with peak capture functionality, I set the alarm off and read the voltage on one of the piezo wires - reading about 3.5v
Now, how would you suggest connecting this to a PIC??
I was planning on connecting it in parallel so the siren sounds and hte PIC sees an input on a pin, but someone suggested I use a transistor to buffer it.
Any ideas?