Info on Motorola R-2001D? (Communications Analyzer)

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New Member
Well, my uncle works for a cell phone company and they were cleaning out a storage area so ALOT of older test equipment was going in the dumpster tomorrow. I just happened to drop by his house Saturday and he told me about em. Well, awhile back I told him I was looking for an O-Scope if he came across a used one...he said there may be an old one there in the storage.

So, today we went to the storage place and started digging. There were 5-6 older cell tower testing units and I just happened to find an o-scope! Looked like it was in good shape but I didn't test it.

I asked him again, "are you sure this is getting thrown away?" He said yes, its all going in the dumpster out back as soon as we get to it! So, that sucker went in my truck!

I started looking it up a few mins ago to get some info one it. Its a Motorola R-2001D. After alil searching, I found a place or 2 that said it sold new for $15K!!!

I nearly shvt myself!

If this is true...OMG!
This sucker is going up for sale and I'm giving him half cause I'm cool like that

So, please help me find some more info in this testing unit!!!!!


I really have no use for it as my little cheapy Heath Kit gets the job done for my basic 12v Audio testing.

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