ine follower

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New Member
Hi guys,
I am working with my friends on our project-Line follower. AS I am in IT-dept, and now in second year, I dint come across Microcontrollers yet. My lecturer advised me to use a comparator instead. Plzz help me choose. And about the sensors, is it ok to use ir sensor or a photo diode? I saw some thing about the sensors from old mouses and stuff, can i use them?? And how many? If I use the comparator, how can i control the voltage to the motors???
You can use the Ir leds from a mouse to work as light detectors you wire them backwards they will pick up light very good I have used a opamp as comparator with them the Ir transistors in the mouse don't pickup to good if it's light source is not real close.
if u want ur project done fast go ahead with Opamps because u will take time to learn ucontrollers. About how to able to drive motors u will need to use buffer ICs like ULN2004 or L298(H bridge). about the sensors the IR leds and photo dodes is a fine choice for a starter as range is not a big pbm for U.
Good Luck
thanx again guys..
one more thing! whats that comparator and bjt num plzz???

i will be back if i get stuck
A Lm339 will work and you can use a npn for Q4 and Q2
right. I am getting somewhere now.
And can v simulate the circuit in the matlab uh??
i cannot find any LM339 here!!
Any comparator would just about work list what you can get I did a line follower with a 12f683 still working out some bugs but it looks good.
i cannot find any LM339 here!!
I get most of the parts from old toys and
TV VCR watch the TV it can hurt you. If you can find a old VCR you can get all you need to make a good line follower

thanx fr ur concern.
but i am living god damned hostel..
tell me a good simulater plzzz
i tried pspice and got stuck
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