Indoor Microclimate data logger

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I need to build Indoor Microclimate data logger using PIC18F67J60 humidity,temp and pressure sensors, storing data to SD card and access info on web. choosed PIC18F67J60 coz it has Ethernet. Got parts : Pressure+temp sensor (MPL115A2), humidity (SHT15), timer (DS1307+). So any1 did smthg similar or have any suggestions about scheme, how to build such thing?

Thank You.
The first step I would say would be to first figure out how to read sensor information from all of these sensors to the PIC, one at a time, send the data via Rs232 to a PC for debugging so you can check the results based off of reality to make sure you're reading the sensors right, then work on the SD card interface till you can reliably read and write information to them, then combine reading the sensors, writing and verifying the data together and you have a done project.
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