Up until now I have just done monkey see-monkey do electronics with 4000 series cmos.
I bought me a bus pirate, an arduino duemilanove and a pickit2 starter kit (with its 16F690).
And I want to use one of them to do a something...
Anything... but with a good tutorial step by step.
I'd rather go for something totally useless but extremely well detailed. Like a led that blink when you push a button or 2 led alternating on / off when you push a button. But anything where the process is more important than the result will do...
thanks for an
Thanks for any answers.
I bought me a bus pirate, an arduino duemilanove and a pickit2 starter kit (with its 16F690).
And I want to use one of them to do a something...
Anything... but with a good tutorial step by step.
I'd rather go for something totally useless but extremely well detailed. Like a led that blink when you push a button or 2 led alternating on / off when you push a button. But anything where the process is more important than the result will do...
thanks for an
Thanks for any answers.