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  • Welcome to our site! Electro Tech is an online community (with over 170,000 members) who enjoy talking about and building electronic circuits, projects and gadgets. To participate you need to register. Registration is free. Click here to register now.

I need a Resistor capacitor diode

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I just joined, looks like a good forum.

I have a electric motor speed control I need to repair. It has a resistor capacitor diode thats bad. I cant seem to find the one I need. The numbers on it are
RCD 2551

Anyone know where to fond one?
The resistor and cap should have their values on them if not burnt. What is the number from? The diode? Any picture on the bad parts in the circuit?
its all one piece, the numbers I listed above are the only numbers on it.


  • DSC00539.JPG
    776.9 KB · Views: 197
I'm pretty sure it's a 0.1 ohm in a 2 watt or 3 watt package.

The main reason they blow is because your main semiconductor (triac?) has probably crapped itself, but you might be lucky and it's just the resistor.

So how do you know the resistor is blown? They dont normally show any external symptoms.
I'm pretty sure it's a 0.1 ohm in a 2 watt or 3 watt package.

The main reason they blow is because your main semiconductor (triac?) has probably crapped itself, but you might be lucky and it's just the resistor.

So how do you know the resistor is blown? They dont normally show any external symptoms.

Some idiot wired it up wrong, Im pretty sure this is the problem because the motor control blows the fuses as soom as the power is on and I checked this and it seems to be the short. I guess the insides of it melted together.

Do you know where I can get a replacment?
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If that is a .1 ohm resistor then your meter will show it as a short, that may not be the problem.
If that is a .1 ohm resistor then your meter will show it as a short, that may not be the problem.

What would be a problem then if its was wired up wrong? It blows a 15amp fuse instantly. There is just a transformer and a few capcitors if I can remember. There is switch and rheostat but they seem to be fine.
There is probably a semiconductor, probably a triac. And it's probably blown. And you should probably take it to a qualified repairer of mains appliances since you have trouble even finding the triac (please don't be offended). :)
There is probably a semiconductor, probably a triac. And it's probably blown. And you should probably take it to a qualified repairer of mains appliances since you have trouble even finding the triac (please don't be offended). :)

I think there is 6 triacs that screw to a heat sink. Its down the basement so I cant say for sure. How to I check a triac?

I dont get into electronics much, just things like motors, motor starters, breaker panels, stuff like that. Id like to fix this on my own. If I cant its no big deal.
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