I need a PIC16F688-ICD chip

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Hi all,
Maybe not the best place to post for this, but I don't know where to reach the right kind of people.
I need a PIC16F688-ICD chip (the 20pins DIP one), which I was unable to find anywhere, not even on fleabay, since it's obsolete and seems to have vanished from the face of the earth.
Being obsolete, I'm hoping that someone who has one and no longer uses it, could let me have it...
And while at it, I would also like to find an ICD2 debugger as well. The much newer ICD3 and ICD4 are still out there but way too expensive, and the 16f688 is old and would do fine with the ICD2.
Anyone can help please?
I need the 16f688-icd chip. I have a header board already coming to me (ac162056), plus with some tinkering, I may be able to use my pickit3 to handle this, so I may not actually need the icd2 device. I'm on a shoestring, so I can't be blowing money I don't have on things I don't need, or may not need, but if the price is right (low enough), maybe it might be a good thing to have handy...
Why do you need the 20 pin version? I normally develop on a larger chip and when happy with the code, compile for the target device.

The 20pin version is the only way, using that header board, to handle the debug. I've been trying to do this until I just found out lately that it just won't work with that 14pins version.
I don't have any larger chips, nothing more than those 14pins.
I'm a newbie pic user and program only in assembly, and this project I'm working on is my very first using a pic.
I'm not sure that header board comes with the 20 pin chip on it. I'll find out soon when I get it, but I'm wary.
Reading section 11.9 in the datasheet, the 14 pin version has icsp. Section 11.10 mentions that the ICD2 is not suitable for icsp so a 20 pin version is available. Why can't you use the 14 pin version?

That ICD2 thingy is using a different type of connection than the ICSP header use with the pickit.
I am using the 14pin chip right now, and it's all I have. But the 14pin one can't do the hardware debugging, which is handled by the 20pin version, meant for use with the ICD2.
I need to get that header board, with a 20pin icd chip on it, so I can do debugging, and I'm hoping to be able to rig the connections to connect that header board to my pickit3, so I don't need to get the ICD2, which is still rather expensive.
Having learned a few new things today, I will switch later to an other pic that is pin compatible with the f688 and newer, with the debug stuff built-in (f1574), but I don't have that right now and I do have the f688 on hand, which I need to get code running on..
Read section 11.9. The 14 pin chip CAN be used for debugging. Use your Pickit3 or just try it.

Just in case you're looking at the wrong datasheet, here's the section,

Note the connections are to A0 and A1 - not the special pins the 20 pin version has.

Edit, I may be wrong and only programming and not debugging will work. Have you tried setting a break point?
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Why use an antique PIC, dump that and use a modern one - which will be cheaper and much higher specification.
Note the connections are to A0 and A1 - not the special pins the 20 pin version has.
Edit, I may be wrong and only programming and not debugging will work. Have you tried setting a break point?

Programming works as expected, of course, but not debugging.
Apparently there is no way to get the debugging working with the standard 14pins, only the 20pins on its header board.
The f1574 and perhaps even that new f18325, could be directly substituted, as they have the same pinouts. Although the hardware may not require changes, the software would need some rewrite.
That's where I'm planning to go afterwards, when I get the current one to work, with the f688 on hand and on board, that I already have. As I do not have anything else for now. I need to use what I have first.
I'm banking on the fact that the 20pins icd version of the f688 will be on the header board. There is no trace anywhere of that f688-idc being available for purchase separately, so I must assume it's sold with the header board. I surely hope so.
If you read the 10 year old thread linked above I show how to use different chips for development and production. What functionality do you need?

Help me out here... The pic16f688 is a 14 pin... The AC162056 has a different chip on it Its just lableled pic16f688icd as that wat is programed to debug... Microchip say's the newer PIC16F18235 ( replaced the pic16f688) has the same functionality.. But I don't think you can get them .. Once apon a time the debug chips were the old pic 1400
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