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  • Welcome to our site! Electro Tech is an online community (with over 170,000 members) who enjoy talking about and building electronic circuits, projects and gadgets. To participate you need to register. Registration is free. Click here to register now.

hp lcd monitor w1907

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John McGivern

New Member
Hi Guys, The above monitor when switched on stays on for approx45mins then goes to standby when you switch back on again it comes on for about 2secs then back to standby
all electrolytic caps look ok.
small ceramic caps and some smd diodes and resistors unreadable.
any ideas ie where to get circuit diagram.
Many thx.
I had a similar problem on a Packard Bell 19" LCDTFT (with a similar model number to yours)

All electrolytic caps on the PSU looked fine. I changed them all and its been perfect ever since (6 months of use)

Don't rely on a visual check of the caps - all of mine looked fine but obviously were the problem.
hp w1907 monitor

Hi, picbits thx for your reply been away for a few days.
I could do with a parts list / circuit diag as some of the small ceramic caps are unreadable also struggling to get 100uf 450v large radial cap maplins did not have any also have possible short on pcb on small cap again no markings.
Thx again for your help.
I just replaced all the lower voltage caps in the power supply/inverter module.

I got them from RS and made sure they were the high temp type specced for switch mode supplies.

I wouldn't go near Maplin to get those type of caps.

Not got a schematic I'm afraid - I bagged it off Freecycle a couple of years ago and just thought I'd resurrect it.
Hi Guys, no joy with the monitor yet found smd resistor blown looks like 103 or 105 which should I try first?
No circuit drawing does anyone know where to get a circuit drg.
Cannot identify part no's.


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