How to make a bluetooth joystick with Arduino?

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Hello Friends,
I have an idea about this. For making this I need joystick, Arduino,bluetooth Module(HC05). But I need to know how to connect HC-05 as a bluetooth keyboard interface? And how to program the whole thing?
You can't connect a HC05 as a keyboard - it only connects as a serial port.

You can't connect a HC05 as a keyboard - it only connects as a serial port.

I found some websites showing how to change the farmware to connect an HC05 as keyboard. If you are saying I can't do this, then how can I make a bluetooth gamepad?
The HC05 does have 11 io pins.. so I suppose you can... If you can get hold of the source code.. Is it available???
Why not try a more modern approach. One of these might work:

I have been using a MKR1010, which shares the same BLE software support. They just recently upgraded the BLE software to support central in addition to peripheral, but I also see HID support in the files (although I have not yet explored that). HID capability would be of interest to you I think.
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If you are still trying to figure things out then feel free to read this article. Also, I have seen a couple of tutorials on YT, feel free to check it out.
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