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  • Welcome to our site! Electro Tech is an online community (with over 170,000 members) who enjoy talking about and building electronic circuits, projects and gadgets. To participate you need to register. Registration is free. Click here to register now.

how to connect 8 MIC to ADC0808, and then interface it with COMPUTER

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Hi to ALL
i wonna connect 8 mics to ADC0808, and multiplex signals, then after multiplexing, i want to transmit the multiplexes signal to computer...
i have completed idea in my mind, but still confuse to make circuit
so any can anyone of u will do give me favor to complete this task!!!
the task is

1)1st connect 8 sound sources(MICROPHONE) to ADC0808....(i need circuit for this)


3) after multiplexing, how did i transmit signal to COMPUTER??? and what do i did for connection with PARALLEL port!!!

waiting for GOOD RESPONCE

Why not use a modern device?, a great many PIC's already have internal A2D and multiplexers, and can connect to the PC via parallel, serial, or USB (for selected 18F series devices).
Block diagram

here i give BLOCK DIAGRAM
i need about the circuitry of componont(OVERVIEW)


  • adc0808.JPG
    65.2 KB · Views: 403
SIR first of all i m not know about that HOW TO PROGRAM PIC
2nd problem is the availiblity of these part over here in PAKISTAN
so i prefer ADC 0808

if u have some complete soultion about the PIC(CIRCUITRY, PROGRAMMING etc) then told me, i should do that
SIR first of all i m not know about that HOW TO PROGRAM PIC
2nd problem is the availiblity of these part over here in PAKISTAN
so i prefer ADC 0808

Presumably even Pakistan has some relatively modern components available?. Surely all micro-controller manufacturers now provide suitable devices with internal A2D and multiplexers - some PIC ones go back to the last century.

if u have some complete soultion about the PIC(CIRCUITRY, PROGRAMMING etc) then told me, i should do that

My tutorials show most of it, but not your specific requirement.
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