How harmfull are soldering/flux fumes ?

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I've got a question.

A few years ago I was doing some solder work and...we'll I've got to second JimB about these fumes alway going for your face. Anyway, some of the gray fume drifted in my eye and actually left some blur in my vision. I blinked it out and washed my eyes for a good 5 or 10 minutes in the sink. What the heck what that?!!?

Well any smoke will blur your vision if ut get's in your eye close enough.

All you have to do is either blow the smoke or use a fan.
"I know a number of asthma sufferers who smoke, having asthma doesn't stop you being stupid."

I find it incredible that a large percentage of respiratory therapists smoke.

I'll bet that if anyone suffers from soldering, lead poisoning, flux inhalation, etc., it would be a plumber. Sweating copper requires a lot more solder (lead-free these days, of course), longer exposure times and higher heat than our electronic soldering operations.

Possible reasons solder fumes can make people sick

Hi, this is to the person who had a strong plume of solder smoke damage their vision.

I don't know the exact chemistry of the smoke that you had blow in your eye, obviously, but the kind of thing you describe has happened to me at various times.

Here is what *might* help. Caveat, I am not a medical professional of any kind. Most importantly, I am NOT a doctor nor do I play one on TV.

Solder fumes contain flux which is highly toxic and lead which is also highly toxic.

Both tend to have a cumulative effect, which add to the aging process. Similar mechanisms are at work. Lead that enters the bloodstream is often mistaken for calcium and ends up in the bones. Blood and urine tests for lead will not show lead exposure unless it has been very recent. the only kind of test that can reliably ascertain the amount of lead exposure someone has had is an Xray diffusion test of their long bones, like the tibia.

Obviously any empoyer should have a fume extractor at every workstation to remove soldering fumes to the outside. This can be as simple as a large fan that is on all the time that is attached to ducting that terminates behind every workstation. In order to prevent the make up air for the exhaust from causing backdrafting of heaters, etc. and possible carbin monoxide poisoning in the winter, there should be an equivalent size fan blowing fresh it in that activates at the asme time that an exhaust fan goes on, or a large window should be left open.
Another alternative is a heat recovery ventilator, which will save money on heating and cooling.

Lead fumes and solder flux fumes are probably powerful oxidizers, that is one of the most immediate and obvious reasons for their effects on eyes, the lungs, etc.

Anybody who works around these fumes should take as many antioxidants as they can get their hands on. Some of them also help the body excrete these toxic substances.

What am I talking about?

Alpha-lipoic acid
N-acetylcysteine ("NAC") NAC is as good as it gets in terms of a single antidote to environmental poisons.
Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) *the more the better* Take as much as your body can tolerate.
Whey protein (precursor to glutathione)
Vitamin E
Coenzyme Q10
resveratrol (found in red wine and grapes, extends lifespan)
curcumin (tumeric, i.e. curry)
quercetin (onions, apples)
EGCG (green tea)

lead is a serious, serious health problem in the US, especially in people who grew up in the leaded gasoline era. people who live east of the Mississippi river are also more likely to live in areas that increasingly have problems with mercury in water systems from the use of coal. That is a double whammy. Be prudent and take the above. Consider seeking professional help if you find yourself having problems that may be caused by lead intoxication before they ruin your health. Lead is just as destructive in adults as it is in children.

You can read more about lead safety at EHP.

**broken link removed** > Lead
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