How can i smooth a PWM fading led?

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I decided to get some experience on uCs, so yesterday i did my first programmer a JDM..i also bought an 16F628A and i started with a blinking led and then i advanced to a PWM fading led now what i want to do is to make the led fade in and out smooth because it's jerky enough.

The code is from this site
**broken link removed**

what should i change?
Also is there any other code which explains what's going on? i have some very basic knowledge on 8086 assembly from past years but it doesn't help much because the instructions are totaly different.
Try changing the code to,
;-------------------------- asteapta puls de 1ms
	movlw	0
uu	movwf	CCPR1L
	call	pause
	incfsz	CCPR1L,w
	goto	uu
	movlw	0xff
Dw	movwf	CCPR1L
	call	Pause
	decfsz	CCPR1L,w
	goto	Dw
	goto	uu

This should make for a very gradual change. The value in CCPR1L is the brightness of the LED.

now it's very slow...

on your code i did a minor change to "movlw 0xFF" with "movlw 0x02"
i saw a difference but it wasn't significant... it is a little bit faster
but when it is about to fade out it gets sudden.
can someobody please help me? this is my first try on microcontrolers and i want to understand few things...

This will be 4 times faster. I have also commented it so you should be able to follow what it's doing.
;-------------------------- asteapta puls de 1ms
Speed 	equ	.04
	movlw	0		;start at zero
uu	movwf	CCPR1L		;put W into CCP
	call	pause		
	movlw	Speed		;put speed in W
	addwf	CCPR1L,w	;and add it to CCP value - result in W
	btfss	STATUS,Z	;if W=0 then skip next line
	goto	uu		;go back and do it again
	movlw	.256-Speed	;0x100-speed = full brightness
Dw	movwf	CCPR1L		;into CCP
	call	Pause
	movlw	Speed		;put Speed in W
	addwf	CCPR1L,w	;and add it to CCP value - result in W
	btfss	STATUS,Z	;if W=0 then skip next line
	goto	Dw		;loop until LED is out
	goto	uu		;Start all over again

You can change the value of Speed but it must be a power of 2. I.E 2,4,8,16 etc

Hope that helps.

It's almost perfect now!! but i've just noticed that this program i got from that site only fades in... it doesn't fade out.

i guess i must change something to your code and then copy/paste it one more time underneath the first and then make a loop all of that portion right?

but what should i change

Made a mistake, this should now fade both ways.

;-------------------------- asteapta puls de 1ms
Speed 	equ	.04
	movlw	0		;start at zero
uu	movwf	CCPR1L		;put W into CCP
	call	pause		
	movlw	Speed		;put speed in W
	addwf	CCPR1L,w	;and add it to CCP value - result in W
	btfss	STATUS,Z	;if W=0 then skip next line
	goto	uu		;go back and do it again
	movlw	.256-Speed	;0x100-speed = full brightness
Dw	movwf	CCPR1L		;into CCP
	call	Pause
	movlw	.256-Speed	;put -Speed in W
	addwf	CCPR1L,w	;and add it to CCP value - result in W
	btfss	STATUS,Z	;if W=0 then skip next line
	goto	Dw		;loop until LED is out
	goto	uu		;Start all over again

now it fades out faster than it fades in, but it's ok i don't mind much for that

thanks for your help Pommie!

P.S if you know any good sites about Assembly and they are apropriate for begginers, i'm interested!
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