Hockey Table

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New Member
I'm looking for help building a score board timer for a prototype hockey game I'm working on.

What I need,
OK, I need a clock for the score board, that, simply put, will start at a pre-determined time say 5 min. then count down to 0.
when the clock hits 0 it needs to turn on a light and keep it lit, then reset to 5min, count down to 0 again
light a second light, then count down one final time to 0, signal a sound and a light and stop.

then have the ability to reset and start the whole process over again.

would like the ability to choose how long each period is, if at all possible.... as 5 might be to long.


Start button
count down from 5 *signal light*
count down from 5 *signal light*
count down from 5 *signal light AND horn/sound*

if any one can help me I would love ANY help finding out what parts I would need.
If you used a pic it would be relatively simple, but are you ready for the task of programming?

A non-programming option would be using a lm555 to create a 5 minute delay. This output could connect to a lm3917 decade counter. At each output of the lm3917 there would be a j/k flip flop to toggle between on and off. After one pulse the first led would come on, 2nd pulse 2nd led...etc. For the "siren" you would need another lm555 to create your desired frequency and you attach the V+ from that to the output of the lm3917. Then you'd have a reset button to turn off everything, or it would do it itself...

This is pretty rudimentary, google all the pieces , look at some circuits, a pic would be a lot simpler but that would take some work.

Let me know if you get something from this

I'm not sure it would relay need to be that complicated. or anything that needed to be programed.
it could even be as simple as a counter that starts at 15 and at 10 and 5 it signals a LED, and at 0 an LED and buzzer.

the problem really is I have NO idea how to do that. im very new to all of this,
I was able to build the board for the goal light working off the IR sensor. so im not TOTALLY in the dark but close.
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