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  • Welcome to our site! Electro Tech is an online community (with over 170,000 members) who enjoy talking about and building electronic circuits, projects and gadgets. To participate you need to register. Registration is free. Click here to register now.

Table Digital Clock Design by little experienced me.


New Member
I want to make cheap wifi digital clock. I plan to use MAX7219 led matrix(it is cheap, big enough and bright), atmega328 and esp8266. I don't like esp8266 because it requires firmware blobs or esp-open-sdk that is very hard to build and setup it requires legacy libraries, I want it to be maximum open source friendly. I wrote firmware draft for atmega328 that recieves text by UART and scroll it on LED matrix. Atmega328 also reads time from RTC clock chip and show it. I would like to have the function of sending any text message to this clock. Curently I use modified marqee scroller clock firmware( for ESP8266(ESP sends text by UART to Atmega328) it is under MIT license as I understand It is possible to use even in commercial purposes, but I plan rewrite it. I plan to power it from maybe usb-c port connector. All my firmwares will be open source. Is this a good plan or a crazy one? :)

Tell me how would you make such a device? Which chips would you use?
Basic requirements:
--The most open SDK as in avr-gcc. And preferably the same ease of use.
--Cheap components.
--Preferably Wi-fi.
--It is undesirable to use the Arduino IDE, it is better to use pure C/C++ with Makefiles.

Which interfaces should I output separately on the circuit for debugging or in-circuit firmware flashing of microcontrollers?

Main function is show time and recieve any text from wifi and scroll it.
Sorry for the large amount of text and a bunch of questions.
First, I would get rid of the mega328 - the ESP8266 is more than capable of handling this. Better, use a modern variant of ESP32 - the ESP8266 is essentially depreciated (or should be).

The ESP32 is a fully functional 32-bit controller that can be programmed with the Arduino IDE. It can run the I2C bus for your RTC and Display.

I'd ignore the whole 9600baud interface and UART - not needed when you eliminate the Mega328

There are examples in the Arduino IDE once you install the ESP boards. 90% of the work is done for you.
Consider this for more robust ESP32 setup and programming :

Some risk, even though it is one of the more robust block programs there
does not seem much activity on Github releases.

Regards, Dana.
Consider this for more robust ESP32 setup and programming :

Some risk, even though it is one of the more robust block programs there
does not seem much activity on Github releases.

Regards, Dana.
I think some of these visual programming tools are more difficult to teach someone than regular code - especially for more complicated features of the microcontroller.
6'th grade kids using them to program robots. Which of course basic robot stuff
does not need deep learning into the micro. And it addresses the visual learners.
And avoids the strong typing aspect of C.

But we use ASM and C when we want utter control of every bit in the machine,
tongue in cheek.

The beauty of visual programming is it largely hides from programmer the
strong typing exact aspect of C, at the sacrifice of some performance, and
deeper HW manipulation. And we get trivial methods of doing speech under
block language control, like a talking DVM, or setting up a client/ server
in 6-8 blocks.

Also several block languages have ability to program sections in C, C++,
when needed. Like using inline ASM in C, another useful bridge.

And now we have AI generating code from spoken/written specifications.

Its all good. I look forward to the day I can think of a design and telepathically
the AI machine pumps out a complete proto in 10 minutes.

Regards, Dana.
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6'th grade kids using them to program robots.
The 6th grade kid I know has junked his Lego visual programming tool because each edit was so frustrating and tedious. A page full of visual code is very difficult to follow and adding comments is a joke on some of these tools. So explaining code to someone else - or even remembering what a code section does is impossible. Nice for a flashing LED, not so much for a project. A local 8th grade class selected microPython instead of a visual package for a line following robot project. They were too frustrated with the visual code.
My grandson, 11, had quite the opposite experience. Took to it
like a duck to water. Can he write the code to get to Mars,
short answer NO.

But in the general sense it was a good experience.

Consult any teacher, they will confirm different strokes for different
folks as the music would say in my generation. I have two sons, one
wont touch code, the other does projects. The opposite of them is true,
one can see the future in his mind, the other cant. Go figure.

I can confirm the English language was my dirge, well into adult hood.
Illogical rules, no logic for many, incomplete, and there was no small
number of kids in my years of English classes that were in my bucket.

Regards, Dana.
My grandson, 11, had quite the opposite experience. Took to it
like a duck to water. Can he write the code to get to Mars,
short answer NO.

But in the general sense it was a good experience.

Consult any teacher, they will confirm different strokes for different
folks as the music would say in my generation. I have two sons, one
wont touch code, the other does projects. The opposite of them is true,
one can see the future in his mind, the other cant. Go figure.

I can confirm the English language was my dirge, well into adult hood.
Illogical rules, no logic for many, incomplete, and there was no small
number of kids in my years of English classes that were in my bucket.

Regards, Dana.
These kids can and want to go to Mars. They decided that the visual code is very limited and time consuming for their projects.
These kids can and want to go to Mars. They decided that the visual code is very limited and time consuming for their projects.

Categorically not true for ALL kids. Some flourish, some do not. I cannot speak for all kids
on the planet, neither can you. Just the ones I personally know about.
Categorically not true for ALL kids.
That's why I said, "these kids", they are a high-achieving bunch.
Also, I haven't seen an adult use the visual programming tools and not get frustrated on a project more than making an LED flash because finding the various elements for a control, for a logic, for a variable, for a constant, for a math operator - then drop them all into position and, finally, edit all the values for each . God forbid you need to do a string manipulation for a display. Painful.
Wow !

1) There is a math click one icon and all the operators pop up in the lib selection
area. Same for variable, logic, sensor, control........

2) Edit values for each, set a pin number, set a test value, click once on field, type number,
hit return, that is sooooo difficult as to be world shattering accomplishment. Like typing
a pin number or variable value in almost ANY language.

3) String, for sure the early visual tools lacked string manipulation, now thats a thing of the
past. Nodered, MPY Blockly, Flowcode, Visuino....................many now very good string func

4) Even PLC visual programming now........

5) Look how long it took to setup a V to PWM control (months in the making) :


5 blocks drag and drop, a world record......

Or setup a client :


I think I must have spent several years on this one....just kidding, it was a template
supplied in the tool. Couple of minutes.

Some kids struggle on how to use a ruler or tape measure, others thrive, its all good.
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Yes, exactly my point, thanks.

1) There is a math click one icon and all the operators pop up in the lib selection
area. Same for variable, logic, sensor, control........

2) Edit values for each, set a pin number, set a test value, click once on field, type number,
hit return, that is sooooo difficult as to be world shattering accomplishment. Like typing
a pin number or variable value in almost ANY language.

3) String, for sure the early visual tools lacked string manipulation, now thats a thing of the
past. Nodered, MPY Blockly, Flowcode, Visuino....................many now very good string func

4) Even PLC visual programming now........

5) Look how long it took to setup a V to PWM control (months in the making) :
Or why not all children will be programmers or rocket designers or electricians or......
Yes, some people agree with you.
Well I think we have exhausted this thread, give that we agree some kids
flourish on block languages, some do not. Advanced block languages for
the more advanced programmer, like Nodered and Flowcode even more
capable, and growing in capability.

Google, MIT, UC all into dev work in this area. I guess some kids grew up
and mastered the crippling aspects of many of the languages from 70's on.
And to your point Caddy snack apparently left behind.

And already we have the ultimate machine, AI, writing code which may
someday replace all coding today as we know it. And US in the process.

Well I think we have exhausted this thread, give that we agree some kids
flourish on block languages, some do not. Advanced block languages for
the more advanced programmer, like Nodered and Flowcode even more
capable, and growing in capability.

Google, MIT, UC all into dev work in this area. I guess some kids grew up
and mastered the crippling aspects of many of the languages from 70's on.
And to your point Caddy snack apparently left behind.

And already we have the ultimate machine, AI, writing code which may
someday replace all coding today as we know it. And US in the process.

I haven't seen any Ai write in the graphics language yet.

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