Help with project.

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New Member
I have a project that i need help with as i am fairly new to this stuff. you see i play milsim with airsoft guns and we simulate scenarios of tactical situations and our next game is going to involve an IED scenario. Don't worry its fakeso i was wondering if anyone knows how to build a wirless trigger that when set off a buzzer on the "IED" goes off simulating an explosion. if i could have scematics and instructions it would be greatly appreciated.
Are you really saying that you want to replace the doorbell sound with a buzzer sound? Most of the wireless doorbells I have come across have several sounds to choose from, surely one is suitable.

oh i see what your saying. well we play outdoors so a little ding dong wouldn't be sufficient i'm needing a long prolonged buzzing. i can get the buzzer from radio shack i just need to know what i need to do to attach it to the reciever and have it buzz for a long time instead a short two tone. thanks for the help.
I suggest you visit your local shop and see what is available. I'm sure one of them will have a suitable noise.

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